Today we will make this brilliant visualization in the NYT Article U.S. Virus Cases Climb Toward a Third Peak. Both the static visualization and the interactive range slider.

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import altair as alt


Shapefiles for US States from the topojson/us-atlas repository. Shapefiles from US Census are fine too.

states_shp_uri = ''
states = gpd.read_file(states_shp_uri)
states['lon'] = states['geometry'].centroid.x
states['lat'] = states['geometry'].centroid.y

We will remove the states that are not supported in the albersUsa projection.

# Albers USA projection does not support the following.
states = states[~((states['id'] == '69') | (states['id'] == '78') | (states['id'] == '60') | (states['id'] == '72') | (states['id'] == '66'))]
id name geometry lon lat
0 01 Alabama MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.33102 30.23539, -88.13002 ... -86.828534 32.788722
1 02 Alaska MULTIPOLYGON (((-150.24276 61.13748, -150.2212... -152.219940 64.201799
2 04 Arizona POLYGON ((-114.71951 32.71893, -114.70157 32.7... -111.664784 34.292803
3 08 Colorado POLYGON ((-109.04843 41.00026, -108.17982 41.0... -105.548071 38.998238
4 12 Florida MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.75043 24.85767, -80.70018 ... -82.497311 28.620301

Initial Visualization


Getting the COVID data as usual from NYT GitHub Repository

us_covid_data_uri = ''
raw_data = pd.read_csv(us_covid_data_uri)
raw_data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(raw_data['date'])
covid = raw_data.copy()
date county state fips cases deaths
0 2020-01-21 Snohomish Washington 53061.0 1 0
1 2020-01-22 Snohomish Washington 53061.0 1 0
2 2020-01-23 Snohomish Washington 53061.0 1 0
3 2020-01-24 Cook Illinois 17031.0 1 0
4 2020-01-24 Snohomish Washington 53061.0 1 0

We will also load the shapefile for counties because we need them for calculating the longitude and latitudes of the centroids of polygons of the counties

counties_shp_uri = ''
counties = gpd.read_file(counties_shp_uri)
id name geometry
0 04015 Mohave POLYGON ((-114.05190 36.84327, -114.05190 37.0...
1 22105 Tangipahoa POLYGON ((-90.56715 30.99995, -90.54921 30.999...
2 16063 Lincoln POLYGON ((-114.59389 43.19860, -114.37494 43.1...
3 27119 Polk POLYGON ((-97.14633 48.17341, -96.50026 48.174...
4 38017 Cass POLYGON ((-97.70626 47.23961, -97.45142 47.238...

Removing any empty geometries beacause that will give errors when calculating longitudes and latitudes from the centroid

empty = counties.geometry.is_empty

counties = counties[~empty]
counties['lon'] = counties['geometry'].centroid.x
counties['lat'] = counties['geometry'].centroid.y
id name geometry lon lat
0 04015 Mohave POLYGON ((-114.05190 36.84327, -114.05190 37.0... -113.758228 35.704987
1 22105 Tangipahoa POLYGON ((-90.56715 30.99995, -90.54921 30.999... -90.404976 30.626271
2 16063 Lincoln POLYGON ((-114.59389 43.19860, -114.37494 43.1... -114.138249 43.002348
3 27119 Polk POLYGON ((-97.14633 48.17341, -96.50026 48.174... -96.401592 47.774206
4 38017 Cass POLYGON ((-97.70626 47.23961, -97.45142 47.238... -97.248351 46.933123
counties.rename(columns={'id': 'fips'}, inplace=True)
counties.fips = counties.fips.astype(int)

The usual NYC aggregation because of the way data is reported by NYT.

# Extract the boroughs in shapefile geodataframe for NYC
boroughs_nyc = counties[counties['fips'].isin(['36005', '36047', '36061', '36081', '36085'])]
boroughs_nyc['State'] = "NYC"
#combined_nyc = boroughs_nyc.dissolve(by='STATEFP')
agg_nyc_data = boroughs_nyc.dissolve(by='State').reset_index()
agg_nyc_data['fips'] = 1
agg_nyc_data['lon'] = agg_nyc_data['geometry'].centroid.x
agg_nyc_data['lat'] = agg_nyc_data['geometry'].centroid.y
agg_nyc_data = agg_nyc_data.drop(columns=['State'])

counties = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([counties, agg_nyc_data], ignore_index=True))
fips name geometry lon lat
3226 28001 Adams POLYGON ((-91.37833 31.73273, -91.31732 31.745... -91.353097 31.479837
3227 36069 Ontario POLYGON ((-77.58109 42.94432, -77.48418 42.943... -77.300689 42.852556
3228 54053 Mason POLYGON ((-82.10001 38.95828, -82.02822 39.028... -82.026453 38.768440
3229 4025 Yavapai POLYGON ((-113.33405 35.52805, -113.26226 35.5... -112.554378 34.599427
3230 1 New York MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.20356 40.59307, -74.20356 ... -73.925717 40.696604
covid = raw_data.copy()
covid = covid[~((covid['state'] == "Puerto Rico")|(covid['state'] == "Virgin Islands")|(covid['state'] == "Guam")|(covid['state'] == "Northern Mariana Islands"))]

# Extract the boroughs in shapefile geodataframe for NYC
boroughs_nyc = counties[counties['fips'].isin(['36005', '36047', '36061', '36081', '36085'])]
boroughs_nyc['State'] = "NYC"
#combined_nyc = boroughs_nyc.dissolve(by='STATEFP')
agg_nyc_data = boroughs_nyc.dissolve(by='State').reset_index()
agg_nyc_data['fips'] = 1
agg_nyc_data['lon'] = agg_nyc_data['geometry'].centroid.x
agg_nyc_data['lat'] = agg_nyc_data['geometry'].centroid.y
agg_nyc_data = agg_nyc_data.drop(columns=['State'])

counties = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([counties, agg_nyc_data], ignore_index=True))

# Make fips in covid data for "New York City" as 1 to reflect what we have done above
covid.loc[covid['county'] == 'New York City','fips'] = 1
#covid = covid.merge(counties[['fips', 'lon', 'lat']], on='fips', how='inner')
#covid = covid.drop(columns=['STATEFP', 'geometry'])

# Getting per day statistics on CASES
covid = covid.assign(daily=covid.groupby('fips')['cases'].diff())
#covid = covid[covid['date'] > '2020-05-01'] # Working with data from May

# Getting past 2 weeks data for cases per given date - sum of cases in past 2 weeks
covid = covid.assign(past_2_weeks = covid.groupby('fips')['daily'].apply(lambda case: case.rolling(window=14).sum().shift(1)))

# Keeping only the latest date data
covid = covid[covid['date'] == '2020-10-27']

# Merging population estimate data - we could have done it earlier but what the heck!
## Getting census data
census = pd.read_csv('co-est2019-alldata.csv')
census = census[['STATE', 'COUNTY', 'STNAME', 'CTYNAME','POPESTIMATE2019']] # Keeping only 2019 population estimates
## Constructing FIPS from STATE and COUNTY codes in census itself
census['STATE'] = census.STATE.astype(str)
census['COUNTY'] = census.COUNTY.astype(str)
census['STATE'] = census.STATE.str.pad(2, fillchar='0')
census['COUNTY'] = census.COUNTY.str.pad(3, fillchar='0')
census = census.assign(fips = census.STATE + census.COUNTY)
census.fips = census.fips.astype(int)
census = census.drop(columns=['STATE','COUNTY','STNAME','CTYNAME'])
## Merging the census data with covid data on FIPS
covid = covid.merge(census, on='fips', how='inner')
## Getting the per capita data
covid = covid.assign(past_2_weeks_per_capita = (covid.past_2_weeks/covid.POPESTIMATE2019)*1000)
covid = covid[covid['past_2_weeks_per_capita'].notna()]

# Per Capita Deaths
covid = covid.assign(deaths_per_capita = covid.deaths/covid.POPESTIMATE2019*1000)

# Per Capita Deaths
covid = covid.assign(cases_per_capita = covid.cases/covid.POPESTIMATE2019*1000)

# Finally merging with geometry
plot_data = counties.merge(covid, on='fips', how='inner')
#plot_data = covid

#plot_data = plot_data.drop(columns=['STATEFP', 'daily', 'past_2_weeks', 'past_2_weeks_per_capita', 'deaths_per_capita'])
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
Int64Index: 3129 entries, 0 to 3128
Data columns (total 16 columns):
 #   Column                   Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------                   --------------  -----         
 0   fips                     3129 non-null   int64         
 1   name                     3129 non-null   object        
 2   geometry                 3129 non-null   geometry      
 3   lon                      3129 non-null   float64       
 4   lat                      3129 non-null   float64       
 5   date                     3129 non-null   datetime64[ns]
 6   county                   3129 non-null   object        
 7   state                    3129 non-null   object        
 8   cases                    3129 non-null   int64         
 9   deaths                   3129 non-null   int64         
 10  daily                    3129 non-null   float64       
 11  past_2_weeks             3129 non-null   float64       
 12  POPESTIMATE2019          3129 non-null   int64         
 13  past_2_weeks_per_capita  3129 non-null   float64       
 14  deaths_per_capita        3129 non-null   float64       
 15  cases_per_capita         3129 non-null   float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(7), geometry(1), int64(4), object(3)
memory usage: 415.6+ KB
fips name geometry lon lat date county state cases deaths daily past_2_weeks POPESTIMATE2019 past_2_weeks_per_capita deaths_per_capita cases_per_capita
0 4015 Mohave POLYGON ((-114.05190 36.84327, -114.05190 37.0... -113.758228 35.704987 2020-10-27 Mohave Arizona 4313 230 41.0 183.0 212181 0.862471 1.083980 20.326985
1 22105 Tangipahoa POLYGON ((-90.56715 30.99995, -90.54921 30.999... -90.404976 30.626271 2020-10-27 Tangipahoa Louisiana 5004 126 21.0 176.0 134758 1.306045 0.935009 37.133231
2 16063 Lincoln POLYGON ((-114.59389 43.19860, -114.37494 43.1... -114.138249 43.002348 2020-10-27 Lincoln Idaho 199 1 13.0 81.0 5366 15.095043 0.186359 37.085352
3 27119 Polk POLYGON ((-97.14633 48.17341, -96.50026 48.174... -96.401592 47.774206 2020-10-27 Polk Minnesota 724 4 51.0 268.0 31364 8.544828 0.127535 23.083790
4 38017 Cass POLYGON ((-97.70626 47.23961, -97.45142 47.238... -97.248351 46.933123 2020-10-27 Cass North Dakota 8925 84 131.0 2259.0 181923 12.417341 0.461734 49.059217

Making a custom height column with SVG path strings so that we scale the data using that column

plot_data = plot_data.assign(height = plot_data['past_2_weeks_per_capita'].apply(lambda x: f"M -1 0 L 0 -{x*2} L 1 0"))

Plotting the data -

base = alt.Chart(states).mark_geoshape(fill='#ededed', stroke='white').encode(text='name:N', longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q').project('albersUsa')

text = alt.Chart(states).mark_text().encode(text='name:N', longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', tooltip=['name:N']).project('albersUsa')

spikes = alt.Chart(plot_data).mark_point(
        shape=alt.Shape('height', scale=None),
    ).project('albersUsa').properties(width=1200, height=900)


Making the interactive range slider plot

Same data processing steps as above but we don't restrict ourselves to one date. That's the idea of the interactive plot. As we move the thumb we change the date for which the data is displayed.
covid = raw_data.copy()
# Making this on 27th October so limiting data till 27th becasue publishing it on website will take more time and experiments with the looks and interactivity
covid = covid[covid['date']<='2020-10-27']
# Albers USA projection does not support the following.
covid = covid[~((covid['state'] == "Puerto Rico")|(covid['state'] == "Virgin Islands")|(covid['state'] == "Guam")|(covid['state'] == "Northern Mariana Islands"))]

covid.loc[covid['county'] == 'New York City','fips'] = 1
# Getting per day statistics on CASES
covid = covid.assign(daily=covid.groupby('fips')['cases'].diff())
#covid = covid[covid['date'] > '2020-05-01'] # Working with data from May

# Getting past 2 weeks data for cases per given date - sum of cases in past 2 weeks
covid = covid.assign(past_2_weeks = covid.groupby('fips')['daily'].apply(lambda case: case.rolling(window=14).sum().shift(1)))

# Merging population estimate data - we could have done it earlier but what the heck!
## Getting census data
census = pd.read_csv('co-est2019-alldata.csv')
census = census[['STATE', 'COUNTY', 'STNAME', 'CTYNAME','POPESTIMATE2019']] # Keeping only 2019 population estimates
## Constructing FIPS from STATE and COUNTY codes in census itself
census['STATE'] = census.STATE.astype(str)
census['COUNTY'] = census.COUNTY.astype(str)
census['STATE'] = census.STATE.str.pad(2, fillchar='0')
census['COUNTY'] = census.COUNTY.str.pad(3, fillchar='0')
census = census.assign(fips = census.STATE + census.COUNTY)
census.fips = census.fips.astype(int)
nyc = census[(census['STATE'] == '36') & (census['COUNTY'].isin(['005', '047', '061', '081', '085']))]
nyc_census = pd.DataFrame([[36, 1, 'New York', 'New York City',nyc['POPESTIMATE2019'].sum(),1]], columns=['STATE','COUNTY','STNAME','CTYNAME','POPESTIMATE2019','fips'])
census = pd.concat([census, nyc_census])
census = census.drop(columns=['STATE','COUNTY','STNAME','CTYNAME'])
## Merging the census data with covid data on FIPS
covid = covid.merge(census, on='fips', how='inner')
## Getting the per capita data
covid = covid.assign(past_2_weeks_per_capita = covid.past_2_weeks/covid.POPESTIMATE2019*1000)
covid = covid[covid['past_2_weeks_per_capita'].notna()]

# Getting latitude and longitude
covid = covid.merge(counties, on='fips', how='inner')
covid = covid.drop(columns=['county', 'geometry', 'state', 'fips', 'cases', 'deaths', 'daily', 'past_2_weeks', 'POPESTIMATE2019', 'name'])

# Selecting dates when past two weeks sum of cases peaked
#bonus = covid[covid['past_2_weeks_per_capita']>2.5]

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 606193 entries, 0 to 606192
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column                   Non-Null Count   Dtype         
---  ------                   --------------   -----         
 0   date                     606193 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   past_2_weeks_per_capita  606193 non-null  float64       
 2   lon                      606193 non-null  float64       
 3   lat                      606193 non-null  float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(3)
memory usage: 23.1 MB
date past_2_weeks_per_capita lon lat
0 2020-02-05 0.0 -121.697119 48.047601
1 2020-02-06 0.0 -121.697119 48.047601
2 2020-02-07 0.0 -121.697119 48.047601
3 2020-02-08 0.0 -121.697119 48.047601
4 2020-02-09 0.0 -121.697119 48.047601

To play with the interactive chart online in this page, I have restricted the data by filtering data where the per capita last 2 weeks cases were more than 2.5
If you run it locally then you can run the whole thing using the data_server.

covid = covid.assign(height = covid['past_2_weeks_per_capita'].apply(lambda x: f"M -1 0 L 0 -{x*2} L 1 0"))
covid = covid[covid['past_2_weeks_per_capita']>2.5]

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 136425 entries, 336 to 606187
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column                   Non-Null Count   Dtype         
---  ------                   --------------   -----         
 0   date                     136425 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   past_2_weeks_per_capita  136425 non-null  float64       
 2   lon                      136425 non-null  float64       
 3   lat                      136425 non-null  float64       
 4   height                   136425 non-null  object        
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(3), object(1)
memory usage: 6.2+ MB

To be able to view the interactive chart, I have uploaded the data that Altair needs as a json file and I will directly pass the url to the Chart class.

url = ""

def timestamp(t):
  return pd.to_datetime(t).timestamp() * 1000

slider = alt.binding_range(name='till_date:', step=1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, min=timestamp(min(bonus['date'])), max=timestamp(max(bonus['date'])))

day = alt.selection_single(bind=slider, name="slider", fields=['date'], init={'date':timestamp(min(bonus['date']))})

spikes = alt.Chart(url,).mark_point(
    shape=alt.Shape("height:N", scale=None),
    # size='cases:Q'
    "(year( == year([0])) && (month( == month([0])) && (date( == date([0]))"

Wait for a few seconds for the data to load in the background - its over 20MB. Interactivity only works once the data is loaded.

(base+text+spikes).properties(width=1500, height=800, padding={'top': 225, 'bottom': 5}).configure_view(stroke=None)